Danya Johnson
Danya grew up in rural South Central Kansas, which she often references in her writing. She has spent most of her life trying to be glamorous but usually ends up holding a stringer of dead fish for her husband and son. She currently resides in suburban Kansas City.
What People Are Saying About Danya
You’re not as famous as you think you are, Aunt Danya.
For the first semester Danya and I lived together in college, I was convinced she had a made up boyfriend she talked to every night.
Danya suggested to me that the key to a happy marriage is crotchless panties… on my wedding video.
I would say Danya is below average at 5th grade math, and above average as a Beverly Hills, 90210 fan.
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Want to collaborate on a project or hire me for a real job? Have some feedback (preferably the kind type)?
Let’s talk.